Plays and period pieces

At Admiral we have a fantastic and extensive stock of authentic style costumes for many plays and period pieces.

1900 – 1920 Edwardian and 1st world war costumes suitable for a number of WW1 pieces with both military and civilian style costumes.  Mary Poppins is set in this period and we have a range of costumes to suit any production set during this time.

1920s and 1930’s costumes for Agatha Christie type plays set in between WW1 and WW2.  Dresses were long and elegant with the men in period tuxedos and evening wear, butler tailcoats and lots of tweed.  There are many plays set in this time frame for example, Daisy Pulls it off, and we can supply all the costume requirements for these, including cricket wear, nightwear and gymslips.

E-mail us your requirements and we can let you know how we can help.