We have put together an amazing set of costumes for Honk suitable for both junior and senior productions.
Our favourite is Henrietta the hen in her red gingham dress, black shawl and straw boater. The swans were suitably dressed in white with feather boas and feathered boleros, Grace in a velvet teal coloured dress with pearls and the greylag geese in grey military style uniform jackets.
For more information and a list of our costumes, please contact us 01908 372504
Camouflage shirt and trousers, green velvet jacket, helmet
Black and gold velvet dress, pearls, fur stole, hat
Grey military jacket, orange socks, grey peaked cap, grey trousers
Red lace 50s dress with petticoat, chiffon scarf, headress with feather, black sequin belt, black cardi, red tights
White dress, feathered jacket
Red frill shirt, black teachers robe, red hat, black trousers