We have hats for most military styles, army, navy and airforce. We have tin hats from the world wars, some with camouflage.
We also have police and fireman helmets, pith helmets traffic wardens and bus conductor caps.
Traffic Warden Cap
Traffic warden cap
Camouflage army cap
Camouflage army cap
HMY 5 balaclava
Black SAS balaclava
HMY 6 scot
Scottish army beret
HMY 7 cam beret
Army camouflage beret
HMY 8 grey cap
Grey military cap
HMY 8 red
Red and black soldier cap
HMY 9 soldier
Black soldier hat with red trim
HMY 11 RAF officer cap
RAF Officer cap
HP 1 police helmet
Police helmets
Oh What a Lovely War hats
Kepi, German helmet, General Moltke, commanding officer cap